Preserving Our Fruit for Winter Enjoyment

Freezing Pie Fillings
Fresh peach pie is delicious, but to enjoy pie in the winter, I freeze the filling like this: Line your pie plate with plastic wrap larger than the pie plate. Mix the filling using fresh sliced peaches + sugar + corn starch. Pour filling into pie plate, and leaving the plastic open, place in freezer overnight. Remove frozen filling form by pulling the plastic away from the pie plate. Tape plastic wrap shut with masking tape. Put frozen pie filling in a second plastic bag, labelled, and return to the freezer. To bake, line pie plate with fresh pastry and remove plastic from frozen filling. Cover with top pastry. Put in microwave on high for 10 minutes to begin thawing filling. Then bake as usual in regular oven at 450 F for 15 minutes, and 350 F for 35 minutes.

Fruit Jam
We have been using light recipes using Certo Light pectin, and have been happy with both their freezer and cooked recipes. We have really enjoyed mixes of fruits by combining 2 half recipes, cooking them together and bottling them. Our favourite mixes are:

Tips on Canning
Canned fruit is one of our family favourites and once you are organized with the right equipment, it is fairly simple. In preparation, you should gather up the following items:

As the canning season approaches, check back for a list of how-to-do and some sites of interest.

Tips on Freezing
We like frozen strawberries and raspberries the best, and often freeze ground fruit ready to make jam later in the winter when we hope we have more time. We freeze our strawberries washed and whole, sometimes with a little sugar. We freeze raspberries the same way, but sometimes freeze them individually on trays with no sugar and stored in bags.

Peaches are also good in frozen slices with some Fruit Freeze on them to prevent discoloration. Some of you may remember my Aunt Dorothy from the Fruit Wagon - she liked to freeze them in orange juice to prevent browning.

As the freezing season approaches, check back for a list of how-to-do and some sites of interest.


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